Transport to Vang Vieng

Transportation to Vang Vieng: options, costs, and timetables

Whether you’re in Vang Vieng or Luang Prabang, any guesthouse, travel agency, or tour company will sell you bus tickets for a small commission. Prices vary from door to door, so you’ll have to look out for the best deal.

However, if you prefer the ease of buying your tickets online, we recommend (use the code ‘gravy5’ at checkout to get 5% off your ticket price).

The most common transportation options to Vang Vieng are:
• Minivan
• Express Bus
• VIP Bus: a bus with 3 double-decker rows of beds, AC, and some snacks for the trip. Having said that, you can be downgraded to a minivan without previous notice if there are not enough people to fill a bus.


Vip bus in Luang Prabang Bus StationImage by Calflier001

• Sleeping Bus: a bus with AC and wider reclining seats, or a bus with 3 double-decker rows of beds.

In this post, we’re going to be sharing all the info on minivans and express buses.


From Luang Prabang to Vang Vieng

On a Minivan

As we mentioned before, tickets are fairly easy to find everywhere around Luang Prabang. We bought our tickets from one of the travel agencies located on Sisavangvong street.

Cost: €11.90 (110.000 kips) can go up to €15.00 (150.000 kips) based on the commission charged by the travel agent.
Duration: 5 hours (one more if it rains).
Depart hours from Luang Prabang: 8:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 2:00 PM
Pros: Minivans are the fastest way to get to Vang Vieng. Hotel pick-ups are included in the tickets.
Cons: Tight and crowded.


Full minivan to Vang ViengImage by Nick Hubbard

One thing that made the 5-hour minivan trip tolerable was the beautiful mountainous landscape of Laos.


Vang Vieng Landscape
Minivan to Vang Vieng, Laos

We stopped once for a bathroom break, and twice by the military for what appeared to be a quick routine inspection. 
All drop-offs are on Vang Vieng main street or Peisan Road—where the backpacker hostels are.

On an Express Bus

Cost: €11.90 (110.000 kip) up to €16.00 (160.000 kip).
Duration: 6 to 7 hours, depending on the weather conditions.
Departure time from Luang Prabang Southern Bus Station: 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM. Sleeping buses depart at 10:00 PM.
Pros: A bit more leg space.
Cons: As express buses leave from Luang Prabang Southern Bus station, you’ll be forced to pay for a tuk-tuk ride to the bus station (an extra 10,000 kip / 20,000 kip).

Drop-offs are on Vang Vieng main street (Peisan Road).


From Vang Vieng to Luang Prabang (or anywhere else)

To leave Vang Vieng buy the bus tickets at your hostel. In addition to having great deals there, your ticket will include transportation to the bus station.

We returned to Luang Prabang also on a minivan but this time around the tickets were a bit cheaper: €8.67 (80.000 kips).

Now that you know how much you should be paying for a bus trip, find the best deal and use the money saved to buy a Beerlao. 




Have a good trip and be safe!
Cover image by Basil Strahm.